Our Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Service Cologne Limousine GmbH status in Juli 2019
§ 1 General
The business relationship between Cologne and service to customers of transport services offered by
SCL in the personnel and equipment transport the Conditions listed below apply.
versions of these terms are reserved. The current version of the Conditions will be published on the
Internet, is available at the offices of the SCL. It is valid at the time the contract is
concluded and at continuing obligations at the time of ordering the transport service current version
of the GTC. Differing or contrary terms and conditions are only valid if SCL has to accept
in writing.
§ 2 Contract and cancel the contract
1. SCL takes motion tasks verbally, by telephone, fax, in writing or online to the current
conditions on which she has published at the time of order on publications or the Internet. To
conclude the contract occurs only if SCL either this order has been confirmed in writing
in advance or when the journey will actually occur. If the acceptance of an order to be made on the
basis of a printing, arithmetic or clerical error, to SCL reserves the right to withdraw.
2.The appointment trips to the airport or train station or port or pick from airports, ships or stations,
a certain pick-up time will be agreed. In these cases, service must reach Cologne schedule changes by
the customer in good time to note that the parties, where appropriate, an amendment to the pick-up
time can be agreed. Otherwise, thereby resulting latency / overhead is imposed on the customer.
Pick-ups from airports can, unless a specific pick-up time has been agreed, refer to the arrival of
certain flights. In this case, it is for the customer, service Cologne the flight details, in particular the
flight number and name of the person to be retrieved or a company logo for the pick-up plate after
which fetched people react to communicate. Contractual requirement is always the pickup at the
time of scheduled arrival, unless the customer notifies the SCL the changed arrival time
with or it was reasonable and possible for SCL, to be timely informed about the exact
time of arrival.
3.will withdrawn an order before traveling date confirmed in writing by the customer, the following
cancellation fees apply:
a) to 2 days before the trip date 20%
b) up to 1 day before the agreed date of travel 50% of
c) less than 3 hours prior to the trip date (short-term or missed cancellation) 100%
the respective estimated fare.
SCL reserves for the calculation of cancellation charges the right to decide at its own
discretion whether or cancellation fees within the mentioned guidelines are to be collected or not,
the above regulations the cancellation fees apply in cases follow anyway.
§ 3 Prices
1. All prices are, unless stated otherwise, in EURO and excluding VAT at the statutory rate and plus
expenses and possible traffic route use charges (ferries, - highway - and tunnel tolls, etc.). Old price
lists have lost with the release of a new valid.
2. Price changes are permissible if the period between contract and the agreed travel date is more
than four months. If in the aftermath to the provision of the service, the wages, material costs,
market related cost prices, so Cologne Service is entitled to increase the price appropriately
according to the cost increases. The customer is entitled to withdraw if the price increase exceeds
the increase in the general cost of living between order and delivery by more than 25%.
3. For all fixed-price agreements the mathematically shortest / cheapest route is used. If due to
special traffic events or customer demands a longer distance driven / spent more time will be
charged according to applicable terms of service Cologne.
§ 4 Carriage of persons and property
1. The customers at any time to act so that the safety of the vehicle and the driver, their own safety
and the safety of other passengers as well as other third parties will not be compromised. You are
responsible for compliance with safety belts for themselves and for the supervision and compliance
with the duty to maintain safety in-their accompaniment of underage persons and for the
supervision and proper backup entrained animals. Passengers are required to ensure that they or
their be located in their accompaniment underage vehicle doors open only when prompted by the
Passengers and their accompanying persons are nonetheless obliged to consider whether to open
the doors without risk. In case of damage liable customer and / or the accompanying person for any
damage caused by them.
2. The selection and equipment of the vehicle is free of SCL.
Customers who make reference to specific transport needs, in particular because of health
requirements, or arrival dates when ordering and when driving off.
3.For distance-based fare calculation is the fixed basis for laying route on customer before departure
together with the customer, with distance-related fares, particularly in collecting trips Service
Cologne is to decide the route.
4.Mitgenommene baggage and carried in the company of animals during transport are in the care of
the customer, even if SCL certainly like assists in the proper charge and fuse. If a load
securing is not possible or objects can be loaded only at the cost of risk to the driver or vehicle, such
items may be excluded from carriage.
Luggage and other battered things should be supervised by the passenger himself. SCL is
not liable for theft or damage and therefore strongly recommends to take out a baggage insurance.
The passenger is liable for all damage caused by objects carried by him stuff.
5. Food be transported in closed containers. An opening such containers, or enjoyment of food or the
like is prohibited while driving without the express consent of SCL.
6. For acquisition of Transport suitable Courier items will examine this only at the express request of
the customer to be exhaustive SCL. To this end, the customer must submit a written
confirmation of receipt upon acceptance. Courier items is loaded and secured by SCL in
an appropriate manner. If, when delivery of the goods at the courier destination a minor amount or a
defect to the confirmed acceptance confirmation, this is the service Cologne when delivery is notified
in writing, stating the nature and extent of the damage.
§ 5 due date and payment, default and extended lien
1. The fare for services is due at delivery and will be payable in cash. Exception of those contracts for
which a different written agreement has been made in advance. The method of payment direct debit
from the customer is from at least 25, - Euro on presentation of a Maestro card possible credit cards
are accepted as payment only by the providers MasterCard, VISA or AMEX.
2. If invoice customers to make payments for services within 14 days of receipt of service-based
invoice. Deductions and other payment deadlines require the express written agreement.
3. The payment is only considered complete when SCL can have unlimited of the
amount. Checks and bills of exchange shall apply only after unconditional cashed.
4. If the customer is in default of payment, Cologne Service is entitled to charge interest amounting
to 8% pa to demand above the base rate. If SCL is proof that it is a higher default
damage, SCL is also entitled to make this claim (§ 288 para. 3 BGB).
§ 6 Warranty, Liability and Limitation of Liability
1. Normal wear and tear to transport goods, luggage, etc. is covered by the warranty. Suitcases, bags
and other transport containers are during transport through SCL in proper use and are
subject to natural wear during this promotion. In addition, paint damage from service by Cologne
transported wheelchairs, prams or the like cannot be ruled out even with proper loading and
transport and are therefore to be regarded as normal wear and tear as well.
2. Courier items which is conveyed without personal support of the customer is excluded from the
warranty, so not before boarding an appropriate confirmation of receipt (see §. 4 paragraph 6) was
countersigned by SCL.
3. Possible warranty claims damages of cargo are relative to bring service Cologne immediately when
traveling to their attention.
4. Customers are responsible for any bodily injury or property damage arising out of the own
consumption of food or the like in the vehicle, even if they have this enjoyment was permitted by the
staff of the SCL.
5. SCL liable for damages incurred by the customer through untimely departure or arrival
at destination, only when (1) the observance of a specific departure of the arrival time between
Cologne and the customer service was previously expressly agreed in time and (2) the Power failure
is not caused by natural disasters, unforeseen technical faults, traffic jams or accidents or for reasons
that lie within the sphere of clients. This is especially true at the airport rides. SCL also
not liable if the customer has determined the departure or arrival time and even this ordinary trip
delays has disregarded some of the dust etc.. In particular, short-term schedule changes or a relative
to the scheduled arrival early or late arrival of the customer does not release it from its obligation to
6. Warranty arising from scheduling performance deficiencies are eventually excluded if they are not
made in writing within 14 days of the performance.
7. Liability of SCL for damages that are not bodily harm or health shall be limited to twice
the ticket price if the damage of the customer is neither intentional nor grossly negligent caused by
8. The customer is liable under the statutory provisions for all damage he has property or physical
injury. This also applies to damages caused by minor escorts, animals or carried goods in transit,
which occur due to health reasons or negligent, the property of service Cologne or third persons. This
applies in particular also for damages caused by pollution caused by vomiting, incontinence, carried
food or the like. When estimating such damage SCL in addition to the removal and loss
of profits due to failure damage will assert that, arise from purification, ventilation or drying.
§ 7 Data Protection
SCL collects processes and uses operation - and personal data in accordance with
statutory provisions. The customer agrees to the collection, processing and use of his personal data
(§ 4 para. 1 of the Federal Data Protection Act).
§ 8 Applicable law, place of performance and jurisdiction
By placing an order or booking, the Terms of SCL are considered as accepted. German
law applies. The place of fulfilment and jurisdiction for all legal matters is Cologne.
§ 9 Severability
If provisions of the contract or of these terms and conditions or a provision recorded in the future be
fully or partially invalid or unenforceable, or lose their legal validity or feasibility later, this shall not
affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The same applies if it turns out that there is a
loophole. The parties agree that in place of the invalid or unenforceable provision or to fill the
loophole, an appropriate regulation shall enter, to the extent legally possible, comes closest to what
they have wanted or after the sense and purpose of the contract would have wanted, if the
invalidity, unenforceability or gap would have been known. This also applies if the invalidity of a
provision is based (deadline or date) as prescribed in the agreement on a measure of performance or
time; it should then the intended coming as close as possible, legally permissible measure of
performance or time as agreed (July 2016).
Service Cologne Limousine GmbH
Kalk-Mülheimer-Strasse 40-42, 51103 Köln
✆: +49 221 88884455
@: info@service-cologne.com
Vertreten durch: Khoschal Anzor
USt-ID: DE 312 129 106
Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 88140
Stadt Köln - Der Oberbürgermeister
Amt für Strassenverkehr und Ordnungsangelegenheiten
Ottmar-Pohl-Platz 1, 51103 Köln